Selasa, 03 September 2013

Syahdan dimulailah suatu perkara yang berawal Wahai

Wahai mulut,tetaplah diam dan terkunci
Terkunci dari segala godaan yang menyulut
Menyulut kesesatan terhadap nurani
Nurani buruk yang ingin menghancurkan iman
Iman rapuh menggeliat menandakan dusta
Dusta dan nista akan kelalain manusia
Manusia menghentakkan nafsu angkara
Angkara yang tak akan pernah padam
Padam pun pasti akan bersinar kembali
Kembali ke jurang dan pintu kemunafikan
Kemunafikan tabiat akan prasangka buruk dan batil
Batil akan perbuatan kedengkian yang menyesatkan
Menyesatkan manusia agar jauh dari Tuhan
Tuhan memahami hasrat setiap manusia
Manusia yang ingin mengobarkan dendam
Dendam dan amarah yang bertajuk pembalasan
Pembalasan yang tidak akan habis oleh hari
Hari pun berlalu menjerat setiap perkataan
Perkataan setiap insan yang mulai menyimpang
Menyimpang dari tataran kehidupan selayaknya
Selayaknya khalifah memakmurkan dunia
Dunia hunian yang penuh akan ketentraman
Ketentraman batin serta jiwa yang ingin diraih
Diraih namun sirna oleh tabir yang menyengat
Menyengat laksana guntur yang bergulat dengan awan hitam
Hitam pertanda adanya keburukan dan kedengkian
Kedengkian yang memangkas habis akar ketakwaan
Ketakwaan seorang utusan akan ibadah
Ibadah yang mulai luntur oleh kemaksiatan
Kemaksiatan ibarat candu dalam kegilaan yang tiada arti
Arti penting seseorang untuk taat
Taat menjalankan perintah-Nya agar kembali
Kembali ke jalan yang semestinya
Semestinya kita bertindak menjadi yang utama
Utama dalam memelihara sikap dan amanah
Amanah yang diberikan Sang Khalik agar kita terjaga
Terjaga dari birahi yang menyesatkan dan mencampakkan
Mencampakkan diri dari anugerah Yang Maha Esa
Esa itu satu atau tunggal, tidak bisa diduakan
Diduakan dari segala bentuk pemikiran jahiliyah
Jahiliyah yang bodoh dan miskin akan pengetahuan
Pengetahuan arti pentingnya berpikir dan bersikap
Bersikap menjadi insan yang betakwa dan beriman
Beriman tanpa adanya toleransi dan negosiasi
Negosiasi terhadap kesetiaan Setan
Setan itu musuh yang nyata
Nyata dalam setiap tindak tanduk perbuatan kita
Kita semestinya mengunci dengan rapat dan tepat
Tepat sekali seperti apa yang belum kalian lakukan
Lakukan segera dan mulailah bertobat
Bertobat sebelum Sang Surya timbul dari Barat
Barat merupakan tenggelamnya Sang Mentari
Mentari juga menjadi saksi

Saksi kesetiaan manusia terhadap ucapan
Ucapan dan perbuatan yang seharusnya sejajar
Sejajar dengan lubuk hati yang paling dalam
Dalam sekali sehingga manusia semestinya taat
Taat untuk berdzikir ketika hendak melakukan
Melakukan perbuatan keji walaupun itu kecil
Kecil bukan berarti tidak berarti untuk-Nya
Untuk-Nya semua akan dihisab
Dihisab yang nantinya untuk pertimbangan
Pertimbangan amal baik dan buruk
Buruk sekali jika anda salah satu yang merugi
Merugi akan kehampaan yang meyenangkan
Menyenangkan nafsu hitam namun hati ikut pekat
Pekat dari segala kumulatif dosa-dosa
Dosa-dosa yang sudah dilakukan sampai detik ini
Ini persembahan seorang insani yang sedang meracau
Meracau akan segudang kekhilafan
Kekhilafan untuk kembali menuju kearifan sejati.


Jumat, 08 April 2011


Tax revenue is the main source for Indonesia. In terms of the economic perspective, the tax is a resource from the private sector to the public sector. This understanding suggests that the tax causes the two situations to be changed. First, it will reduce ability of the individual to control the resources. Second, it will increase revenue to the state. Seeing this, many people think that paying the tax rate would reduce their wealth so that they take the initiative to not register as taxpayers. They assume the tax would make the government become increasingly rich. Of course it is the wrong assumption. On the other hand many cases reveal that the tax has a positive effect on economic development in the country of Indonesia.

Tax can help to avoid the inflation rate in Indonesia. By providing tax, consumers will reduce their consumption as part of their income to pay taxes. Inflation occurs due to the increasing consumption that wants to live beyond their economy and excess liquidity in the market which may trigger consumption. If this tragedy is allowed to happen then the economy will become chaotic and sluggish. The way to press and minimize inflation rate in Indonesia which has reached 6.65 % based on data Central Bank of the Republic of Indonesia on March 2011, Indonesian government need to take fiscal policy. One of the ways is by giving taxes toward people in Indonesia. Taxes given by the Indonesian government to the people of Indonesia in the form of value added tax, motor vehicle tax, income tax. This tax is meant for people to reduce household income and purchase power for their consumption after that people will deposit more money to the government as tax payments, so that can reduce the amount of money in circulation which can cause inflation. Thus, to reduce levels of Indonesian people of excessive consumption that can increase the rate of inflation, one of which is correct actions taken by the government is to give and provide the tax.

In addition tax also has the function to regulate and control delivery export-import in Indonesia. Indonesian Government tries to protect domestic production by setting a high import duty for foreign products. According to the opinion of one person on yahoo answer (Sakul, 2008) stated, “When the Government of Indonesia lowered its import VAT tax from 10% to 6% (as in Singapore). What will happen? Imported products will definitely go with the proliferation and local products will lose competitiveness of local products especially if the craft community or processed products of small enterprises. What will happen to the fate of farmers, fishermen, craftsmen, traders and small businessmen in this country?” Then he also added a statement, “If CEO export tax (palm oil) is lowered, then in Indonesia will be difficult to search for oil, because everything is exported abroad. Or if the export tax is increased then there is no export of palm oil CEOs and where farmers want to sell the crop?” From that statement (Sakul, 2008), it can be interpreted that the tax was to control export and import in Indonesia so as not too excessive. It will maintain the safety of the people's economy that has business, jobs in small enterprises. So that the tax position here is a barrier for foreign products as well as local products that do not freely enter and come out the country of Indonesia.

Tax is one of the most potential as an income for financing the government expenditure. Taxation revenue is also used by the government to finance the construction of infrastructure facilities and public interest for people in Indonesia. From economist among the domestic, Rochmat Soemitro said, “Taxes are the dues to the people of the state treasury (the transition of wealth from a private sector into the government sector) under the law (which can be imposed) by not getting services that directly can be utilized and used to finance public expenditure. Furthermore it is supported by a statement from the father of economics Adam Smith who emphasized, "Tax is a contribution from the citizen to support the state". Some economists stated the tax is a contribution from society to participate actively to build the development of the country, to build public facilities and infrastructure. This is because tax is the basic foundation for the development of Indonesia. Moreover, in terms of development, it will affect to the Indonesian economy that is indicated as has developed and progressed. Beside that taxes are also useful to perform routine tasks to countries such as employee expenditures, spending on goods, maintenance the facilities, pay off the Indonesian debt, education expenses, paying the dues of some organizations that followed by Indonesia. This shows how important the tax for the Indonesia country because the tax is a source of income for financing those government expenditures.

Tax has a role to assist the government to allocate tax revenues. Tax revenues obtained by the central government will be transferred to the provinces, districts, and cities. The main sources such as property taxes, charges associated with acquisition of land and buildings (BPHTB), and income tax. Most of the revenue is returned to the regions, except the income tax that were transferred to the regions only 20 percent: 12 percent for city and 8 percent for the province. So with the system of allocation of tax revenues will help the equality of provinces or districts that have not been fully developed and welfare the regional economy in Indonesia.

From collecting taxes in accordance with the mechanism, then the government can allocate income on investment that can be enjoyed by many people. With the availability of many investments, it will increase field worker and make job opportunities for the people income in Indonesia. According to Prof. Dr. H. SH Soemitro RochmatTax is the transition of wealth from the people of the State Treasury to finance routine expenditure and the surplus is used for public saving which is the main source to finance public investment. The implication from the statement is tax can lead for the investment in Indonesia. For example about PT. PLN (Persero) as one of the BUMN that have the power in the electricity sector wants to build a geothermal project investment. But the burden of investment costs is not borne alone by the PLN. And then the price of electricity which was considered by the investors is less attractive. Government takes the policy by applying the tax system. It is capable of encouraging the development of geothermal investment in Indonesia because the reduction tariff geothermal is significant enough. From the other side, this will affect the opening of job opportunities and give chance for job seeking. In other words it will increase sources of income in Indonesian people that can give benefit for economic development in Indonesia.

Although many people or entities who think that paying taxes will reduce the wealth and ability to control resources, many positive effects resulting from paying taxes on economic development in Indonesia. It can be concluded that taxes play a role in suppressing the rate of inflation, control the export and import, as country income to finance government expenditures that give benefit the growth of infrastructure, stimulate investment, and influence the opening of job opportunity. However pay tax is one of the big sources of revenue for country that can give positive effects for economic development in Indonesia. So make sure we are not reluctant to pay taxes and prejudiced toward to the tax.

by: hari-lumos

Selasa, 30 November 2010

MDGs Are Expected to Improve Education in Indonesia

In September 2000, the Government of Indonesia, together with other 189 countries have committed to work together to reduce global poverty, hunger and disease. The commitment what their plan are stipulated in the eight goals which are to achieve in the next five years and it so-called Millennium Development Goals. Millennium Development Goal in itself is remarkable of course if it can be realized. Because according to the eight goals set forth in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is a package of goals that can change the state of the world become more prosperous in the next five years, exactly in 2015. And the most important anymore, the MDGs can help to handle problems that occur in our country, namely the State of Indonesia.

MDGs can be a milestone in support to make life in this country becomes more prosperous. If we see today only, the poverty line that struck in Indonesia is very extreme. Number of unemployment only add to the burden and make the miserable state of this country. Most of the jobs require educated and high potentials. In contrast, many young people in Indonesia have not been able to feel to get an education seat properly. Now, with the Declaration like this that one of its goals is equal distribution of basic education. Education is the most important means to make this nation into a developed nation or I could call it a super nation. Access to education in the State of Indonesia is expected to grow by a maximum in the presence of the MDGs. With the future of education that can be paid off, then the chance and opportunity of youth in Indonesia to apply for a job or creating a business is not too difficult. And the impact will be rolling with a reduction in unemployment in Indonesia. Reduced unemployment even this will also be an impact on the decline of poverty in Indonesia.

It is interesting that I mentioned here about the state of education that places less attention. In the second MDG goals are listed on the equalization of education. The reality in Indonesia today, facilities and infrastructure that support the education is still not maximized. Education is very important for the citizens of Indonesia. But it would be much better when the place, facilities that support the educational process also ignored. Due to the existence of facilities that support education, can not be denied again that the distribution of science would be evenly distributed, and will not be the backwardness of knowledge among students. Seeing the situation that shook this country, and it caused the disaster that hit Indonesia. Indonesia should realize that the geographical position of this country is prone to disasters. Therefore where education was not considered to be underestimated, if a disaster occurs and places to support the education destroyed, would carry around the fate of those who want to get an education. The Indonesian government participating in the arena of the MDGs should be more nimble and introspective thinking in the future if events take a position that can not be predicted this to happen.

Declaration on the MDGs which consists of several countries in the world, of course, the countries involved in UN (United Nations) have the same purpose in the subject of poverty. Indeed, poverty is the most basic goals. However, poverty alleviation efforts itself must be effort .One way is by providing proper education to Indonesian children who do not get proper education. People who are educated are not necessarily successful life and get a good job, let alone people who have never been educated, her life was just relying on luck. Here I do affirm the MDGs into the case of education, that education is very vital in the life of the nation. To that end later in the MDGs, the Indonesian government to prove their commitment, and brought the country to a country that has a brighter hope.